Friday, April 30th, 2021 - 9:00-4:00 pm
Fallout: Chernobyl and the Ecology of Disaster
An Interdisciplinary Virtual Conference, Convened by Sara Pankenier Weld and Sven Spieker
Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
Register in Advance to Attend the Virtual Conference over Zoom Here
Conference Program:
Fallout: Chernobyl and the Ecology of Disaster
Friday, April 30, 2021
Sara Pankenier Weld, Germanic and Slavic Studies, UC Santa Barbara
Opening Remarks
Joe Incandela, Physics, Vice Chancellor for Research, UC Santa Barbara
Sven Spieker, Germanic and Slavic Studies, UC Santa Barbara
Part I: Chernobyl’s Artistic Ecologies
Chernobyl Retrospectives: Literature and Art
Chair: Adrienne Edgar, History, UC Santa Barbara
Of a Shifted Nature: Looking at Chernobyl
Alice Miceli, Artist of Projeto Chernobyl (Chernobyl Project), Rio de Janeiro/Berlin/Geneva
Childhood and Temporality in Svetlana Alexievich’s “Chronicle of the Future”
Sara Pankenier Weld, Germanic and Slavic Studies, UC Santa Barbara
[Coffee Break]
Chernobyl’s Spectres: Film and Interactive Media
Chair: Peter Bloom, Film and Media Studies, UC Santa Barbara
Chernobyl In(Visible): Chronicles of the Catastrophe
Stanislav Menzelevskyi, Film, Oleksandr Dovzhenko National Center, Kiev, Ukraine
Zone of Intrusion: Chernobyl as Archetypal Space for Filmic and Interactive Media
Jeff Bellomi, Comparative Literature, UC Santa Barbara
[Lunch Break]
Part II: Disaster and its Fallout
Reactions and Consequences: Engineering and Medicine
Chair: David Weld, Physics, UC Santa Barbara
Reactions and Over Reactions to Nuclear Reactions: An Engineer’s Perspective
Eric McFarland, Chemical Engineering, UC Santa Barbara
Medical Consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Facility Accident
Dr. Robert Gale, Medicine, Imperial College London, England
[Coffee Break]
Fallout and Nuclear Residues: History and Environmental Studies
Chair: Cynthia Kaplan, Political Science, UC Santa Barbara
Perestroika, the KGB, and Social Control in Soviet Ukraine after Chernobyl
Andrei Tcacenco, History, St. Olaf College
For the Love of the Danube: Nuclear Residues and Residual Affection
Elana Resnick, Anthropology, UC Santa Barbara
Sven Spieker and Sara Pankenier Weld, Germanic and Slavic Studies, UC Santa Barbara